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95% of Dutch banks enabled

  • 11-10-2022
  • 3 min

We started connecting the Dutch banks to our platform. The so-called onboarding of these banks is essential for our services. After approval from the consumer or the company, we can collect transaction data, enrich it and offer it to our customers. In this way our customers get to know their customers even better. It is not for nothing that we start with the Dutch banks. We see that there is still a world to be won in the Netherlands in the field of Open Banking by means of PSD2. For example, SMEs are only sparingly benefiting from the opportunities that are available.

With EnableNow we are going to make Open Banking accessible to companies in the Netherlands. We enable companies to find out everything about income, expenses, preferences and buying behavior of your customer. With this real-time customer data, highly personalized services can be offered. Not only do we offer a SAAS solution that can collect this data, we can also label, structure and categorize this data so that realizing relevant dashboards & insights is a breeze. Would you like to know what Open Banking and PSD2 can mean for your organisation? please contact us,

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  • 03-07-2024
  • 3 min
EnableNow admitted to Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub

EnableNow, the leading Dutch player in Open Banking, has reached an important milestone. We have been admitted to the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub, a program that supports organizations in their growth and innovation.

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  • 23-05-2024
  • 3 min
Investment in growth ambitions of Open Banking platform EnableNow

The Bossche (Dutch) Software developer EnableNow receives a follow-up investment of € 650.000 from the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM), De Bossche Investeringsmaatschappij (BIM), EMM Holding and Fleujel Investments. With this capital injection, EnableNow wants to further develop the platform and scale it commercially. The company focuses on broadening its portfolio and European expansion.

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Discover the possibilities of Open Banking for your organization!

Curious about how EnableNow can help you benefit from the possibilities that PSD2 offers? Contact us without obligation!

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