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Privacy statement Enable Now B.V. customers and suppliers

In this privacy statement we explain how we handle your personal data and how you can exercise your rights about it.

By 'we', 'us' or 'our' we mean:

Enable Now B.V., registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 80220134 and located in (5223 AL) 's-Hertogenbosch at Parallelweg 27 (Ruimte HA 1).

Our company is a so-called "data controller" in the sense of the privacy regulations. In short, this means that our company is responsible for compliance with privacy regulations when it comes to certain personal data that we process from you.

By 'personal data' we mean information that directly or indirectly concerns a specific person. For example, your name, e-mail address, bank account number and telephone number. We process these personal data if you act as a (potential) customer and use or want to use our services.

It is possible that we process personal data if you act as contact person of a (potential) customer and in that capacity use or want to use our services. We also process personal data when we use your services / products and you are therefore (the contact person of) our supplier.

Finally, we process personal data that you provide as a visitor via our website.
We do not process special personal data, such as personal data relating to religion and ethnicity.

What and on what basis we process personal data

We request and use certain personal data from you primarily to enable us to provide our services as effectively as possible. Your name and address details and e-mail address are essential in order to provide the services you have requested and / or information you have requested. If you do not provide these data, it is not possible for us to properly execute an agreement with you or to give you the information you requested.

The legal basis for this is, first of all, that these processing of personal data are necessary to properly perform our obligations based on the agreements entered into between you and us.

Finally, we use and save your personal data because we are legally obliged to do so on the basis of (tax) legislation.

When using your personal data, we naturally attach great importance to the protection of your privacy. We have therefore put safeguards in place.

If necessary, we request your prior consent for certain processing.

How and where we store your personal data

We keep the personal data you provide to us only for as long as is necessary for the proper functioning of our services or as long as is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation. If you withdraw your consent to keep your personal data, we will delete it.

We handle your personal data with care. Extensive measures have been taken within our company to protect data, including personal data. Here are just a few of them:

  • Personal data can only be accessed by employees when such access is necessary for the performance of their duties;
  • We have appropriate IT security measures in place;

The data, including personal data, in our possession is stored locally within the European Union with the exception of data processed by third parties for the purpose of analysis, including Google Analytics.

To whom we provide personal data

We treat personal data confidentially. Your personal data is only processed for the benefit of our company and is not provided to third parties, except as stated below.

To perform our services properly, we engage certain internal and external suppliers. We make agreements with suppliers who have access to personal data as part of their services regarding confidentiality, security and agree that they may not use the personal data for their own purposes.

It is also possible that personal data is transferred to a third party because of an acquisition, merger or (other) reorganization in which our company is involved.

Finally, we may need to provide personal data if required by law or to comply with an order from a competent authority.

Further information and your rights

Should you have further questions about how we handle your personal data or should you wish to inspect it, request its rectification or deletion or request the restriction of processing or transfer of your personal data, please contact us at the e-mail address

Finally, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. To do so, please contact us at

We will process your question or request and get back to you as soon as possible. We may need additional information to process your request. For example, in the case of a request for inspection or deletion, we will want to know for sure that you are the person to whom the personal data concerned relate and we will have to check whether the request is justified and feasible. This is in the (privacy) interest of all our customers and relations.

It is possible to file a complaint with a supervisory authority, this is the Authority for Personal Data. On the website of the Authority Persoonsgegevens you can find more information about this.

Latest version: 10-03-2023

We amend this privacy statement from time to time. An amended privacy statement will apply from the date as stated above.


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